What can you ‘bundle up'?

Look at the different items you sell and see what you can bundle together.

Rather than selling one off items, bundling allows you to sell multiple items together, which provides more perceived value in the mind of your customer.

The basic model is 1 + 1 = more than 2, in value.

For example:

  • Coffee + Muffin

  • Tyres + Wheel Alignment

Bundling allows you to make special offers, and lets you play around with the margins.

It also works with services. An effective strategy here is the ‘Gold, Silver & Bronze’ approach. This is where:

  • Gold includes full suite of services, the top-notch level

  • Silver includes a few less items, but still some ‘nice to have’s’

  • Bronze is the most basic offering

Bundling also means your price is difficult for your customer to ‘unpack’, but they see enough value in the combined offering to justify the price.

For product sales, the version of this is, “Small, Medium and Large”. In this case, it’s essentially the same products, but just different sizes of each product.

It might be worth taking some time to look at your current offerings, come up with some options and innovate. In this current environment, you need to be looking at every angle.

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