Secure your income streams

Six tips on how to secure your income streams:

The imperative for business owners as we come out of COVID restrictions and work our way out of the recession is to build and secure your income streams.

Each of us will have different ways to do this, but the outcome must be same. A secure, loyal, sticky customer base, who want to do business with you again and again.

1. Re-engage existing customers. Touch base with your existing customers, let them know you're back, you’re excited and ready to do business.

2. Find new customers. Build your customer base. Do clever marketing. Put those plans in place you’ve been working on.

3. Referrers. Meet with those who can refer customers your way. Think of what you can offer to say ‘thank you’. A warm introduction is gold!

4. Special offers. Be sure to have some special offers to entice new customers. A ‘recession busting’ offer!

5. Rewards. For your existing customers for sticking with you. Say ‘thank you’ for staying true. Show them you ‘love them’.

6. Lift your game. Be sure you’re at the top of your game. It’s never been more essential than right now. Train your staff to be brilliant!

These might be tough times, but the future really is in your control.

Let me know if you need a hand.
